GreenFlash is a boutique stationery maker committed to create“witty and exciting”one-of-a-kind stationery that sparks joy for our customers and helps them pass positive vibes on to others. A legend in South Sea Islands has it that sighting of a green flash is an auspicious sign that will bring good luck. By calling ourselves as GreenFlash, we strive for continuous improvement to meet the expectations of our customers, employees and their families in order to become a reliable company by building a viable business that will grow with our customers and business partners for a long time to come.
社名であるGreenFlashは、太陽が昇ったり沈んだりする瞬間に空が緑色に輝く自然現象から名付けました。南の島国には、「Green flash」を見たものは幸せになれる、という言い伝えがあります。私たちのステーショナリーも、「Green flash」の光のようにお客様に幸せを届けていきたい。その想いを社名にこめています。
Following is an interview with Ms. IRIE Midori, Creative Director of GreenFlash. Ms. Irie talks about the creative mission of GreenFlash and what she is most mindful of during the creative process, together with her views on the role that stationery can play in a digital age when people opt for spending a lot of money on digital gadgets. We hope this interview will help you better understand GreenFlash