Midnight Appetite and Reading | GreenFlash-Stationery full of excitement

Midnight Appetite and Reading

2019-09-13 14:07 Category:


The days are gradually getting cooler.

Autumn is my favorite season because the food (and the alcohol that goes with it) is so delicious.


The other day, I was having dinner with members of the sales department.

I found a Japanese sake called "Hakuro Suidama" on the drinks menu.

Not only is it delicious, it's also easy on the wallet!

I've always loved this brand, but...


As a company that makes Flower Fairies products,

If it says fairy, I have to order it! Lol

It was easy to drink and very delicious.


I've been talking a lot about autumn, the season for appetite, but...

A book cover perfect for autumn reading

Newly released from "Midnight General Store"!


It's a nice size that can also accommodate taller paperback books.

The loop ribbon on top is from the same series.

You can use it through bookmarks.


Of course, you can use your own bookmarks, key chains,

It's also cute when used with a strap!

If you see it in a store, be sure to pick it up.

It is also available for purchase at the online store.



Click here for Flower Fairies products!

